
The Channel 7 Great Grimsby Debate
Click on the Speaker Icon to listen to the views of the candidates

Should the railways be privatised ?
Austin Mitchell  
James Cousins  
Andrew De Freitas  
Should we get rid of the MAFF civil servants ?
Austin Mitchell  
James Cousins  
Andrew De Freitas  
What can be done for the Victims Of Crime ?
Austin Mitchell  
James Cousins  
Andrew De Freitas  
Will the party be joining the Euro ?
Austin Mitchell  
James Cousins  
Andrew De Freitas

The Channel 7 Cleethorpes Debate
Click on the Speaker Icon to listen to the views of the candidates

What will be done about the drop in police numbers ?
Stephen Howd  
Shona McIsaacs  
Janet Hatton  
  Gorden Smith
Does the NHS as we know it have a secure future ?
Stephen Howd  
Shona McIsaacs  
Janet Hatton  
  Gorden Smith
What do the candidates think about Hunting with Dogs ?
Stephen Howd  
Shona McIsaacs  
Janet Hatton  
  Gorden Smith
Why does the government give out financial support to bogus financial seekers and not do anything about fishermans compensation ?
Stephen Howd  
Shona McIsaacs  
Janet Hatton
  Gorden Smith



Two “Question Time” style debates with the local parliamentary candidates and a live studio audience was broadcast from the Immage 2000 Studios on Channel Seven on Thursday 31st May.

The first one for the Great Grimsby Constituency is believed to be the first political debate of its type in the United Kingdom to be shown on a local TV Station.

Both debates were very lively, especially the Cleethorpes one and will be repeated on Channel 7 until Election Day on Thursday 7th.

If you enjoy a good debate on issues of local importance do not miss them.
Watch out for audio clips on this site on the candidates pages.



12 Noon on Friday 1st June BBC Radio Humberside held a debate in which all Candidates for the CLEETHORPES Constituency participated.

Watch this site for updates to the candidates Frequently Asked Questions pages



At 12 Noon on Friday 25th May BBC Radio Humberside held a phone-in debate in which all three Candidates for the GREAT GRIMSBY Constituency participated.
Peter Adamson, BBC Radio Humberside ace interviewer put them through their paces.
Following the debate this photograph of the candidates was taken especially for GrimsbyConnect.
See the candidates pages for an audio clip of some of their opinions stated during this BBC programme.



E-citizenship a Thing of the Future
Tony Blair has “failed to grasp the importance of e-citizenship”, a left wing think tank claims today.
In a report, Demos says the Government’s efforts to promote e-government compare favourably with those of other countries: but it argues that Labour’s programme should be more imaginative, with greater emphasis on using new technology to reform the way government is conducted.
“We argue that the distinction between e-democracy, where information and communication technologies create new voting and decision making opportunities and e-government, where they improve the efficiency of public services, is false.” Says the report, Transformation Not Automation: the Challenge of e-government.
Last year Mr Blair announced that £1 billion would be spent promoting e-government, with services such as UKOnline designed to make it easier for people to communicate with Whitehall.
Demos says”The UK Government has so far failed to grasp the importance of e-citizenship. There seems to have been little thinking about how e-delivery might democratise the policy-making process”.
It argues that the steps already taken should be integrated into”a broader programme” to ensure they have a real impact.
“Without it, information and communication technologies could have the perverse effect of …undermining the legitimacy of government as a whole, because expectations will not be met.”
By Andrew Sparrow – Political Correspondent eNews The Daily Telegraph 15 March 2001